
Winery - home design quirks Winery - home design quirks
लेखक: reporter
Many winemakers are trying to get away from stereotypes, adding its own flavor, not only in the formulation of wines, but also in the design of the winery. Patrick MakKillen not afraid to merge wine, art and architecture.

About ten years ago, he bought a run-down winery Eksom and became a successful winemaker Chateau la Coste, renowned for its fragrant pink wine. But this MakKillenu Patrick, lovers of contemporary art forms large, was not enough. From all over the world were invited artists and architects to create unique works of art that...
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21 नवम्बर 2013 20:57
Red - the highlight of the interior Red - the highlight of the interior
लेखक: reporter
Red embodies the courage, the will to win, the desire to symbolize passion. The colors of the spectrum, creating an incredible atmosphere in the room.

Color is very bright and catchy, so using it in the interior, you should be especially careful. Cunning designer can be well-matched combination of different shades of red to dilute its brightness and create amazing effects.
The many shades of color can transform a boring, dull room into a bright, attractive, and most...
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21 नवम्बर 2013 08:09
Load-bearing walls: how to define them? Load-bearing walls: how to define them?
लेखक: reporter
When planning the interior design of any room, you must first find out what the walls in the house are carriers, and which are not. It may depend on it, which will be arches, niches, doorways and other structures, involving the dismantling of the walls.

First of all, it should be understood that the bearing wall is an important part of any building design and serves as its support, since the weight of the entire structure is evenly distributed to all load-bearing walls....
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20 नवम्बर 2013 21:24
OctaneRender for TheFoundryModo and Carrara OctaneRender for TheFoundryModo and Carrara
लेखक: reporter
Major US company continues to promote OTOY visualizer to work in real time OctaneRender, using it for a variety of 3D-applications. Among the latter can be identified TheFoundryModo and Carrara. It is known, multi-packs to work with 3D-graphics and animation, easy to use and accessible to the user of primary and secondary level.

The graphics engine allows OctaneRender TheFoundryModo use the following...
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20 नवम्बर 2013 20:58
It will be of feng shui It will be of feng shui
लेखक: reporter
Feng Shui many of his fans believe in science, art, and some are almost a religion. Their opponents called this practice of space exploration senseless heresy. We can believe or not to believe in the magic effect of the location of the things in our lives, but to learn the basic principles of feng shui to any designer will not be superfluous. Feng shui - it is harmony. The main goal of his - attraction to the house of good and subtle energies to neutralize the bad, to achieve this, you need to activate the nine zones of feng shui. In the northern...
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19 नवम्बर 2013 21:56
Blender 2.69 is now available Blender 2.69 is now available
लेखक: reporter

Company Blender Foundation presented a new version of Blender 2.69. The assembly line includes advanced capabilities 2.6x. After the release of the previous version have been fixed 270 bugs and added many new features.

In particular, tools:

- Modelling

- Cycles Render

- Motion Tracker

- Addons.

Along with the release of 2.69, and was transfigured portal Blender Foundation, it has become more modern and user-friendly....

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18 नवम्बर 2013 22:58
Comfort in an American Comfort in an American
लेखक: reporter

America - advanced country, there is much to be admired. Take for example the interior of the house of the Americans. It is interesting how it settles inside your home, is not it? As it turned out, first of all appreciated the simplicity and comfort. And most importantly, in preference to the use of inexpensive materials that are eventually due to deliberate design decision is correct, original and interesting look.

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If we talk about a common sight on American interior design, they have focused on the combination of colors and...

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16 नवम्बर 2013 00:23
Stages of the design project Stages of the design project
लेखक: reporter

Step 1. Meeting the client

At the first meeting, the customer must make an impression of you as a professional you can trust. Subsequently, it will help in the drafting. Examine the client image of his life, habits and character, understand exactly what the customer wants from you. If the client's wishes and possibilities of the project do not match and create a lot of problems, it is better to offer an alternative solution for design projects, which must not distort the views of the customer on the basis of their wishes.

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15 नवम्बर 2013 23:22
Interior nursery: general features Interior nursery: general features
लेखक: reporter

For parents around the world the most important is their child, and regardless of age, all of the events taking place in the house around it. Sooner or later, every parent is faced with the need to repair and improvement of the room for your child. And then inevitably there is a lot of questions, the answers to which can give a professional interior designer.

Designers to create interior children's room, need to remember that every child is unique and is growing very fast, so it is important to discuss all issues, including the repair of small parts, with...

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14 नवम्बर 2013 23:23
Vue to create 3D-worlds Vue to create 3D-worlds
लेखक: reporter
E-onSoftware - company developing the system to create the landscape, the atmosphere and vegetation pleased 3D-graphics release of a new version of Vue in 2014.

With the development of three-dimensional graphics has several of its destinations demanded in various fields. In addition to tools animation, modeling characters and three-dimensional surfaces demand programs to create models of the natural landscape.
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13 नवम्बर 2013 22:52