3D-Model Pergola "Hive"

Model for: | Design |
Unusual pergola for use in exterior design.
3D-Models from category Houses, cottages:
Model for: | Design |
Unusual pergola for use in exterior design.
3D-Models from category Houses, cottages:
The quality of the render, of course, two ... well, or three with a minus .. just for diligence ...
Качество рендера, конечно, на два... ну или три с минусом.. только за старание...
I specially rendered "as is". And specially added the render in the exterior, so that it was visible how "it" looks when the lighting and the environment are set.
Я специально рендерил "как есть". И специально добавил рендер в экстерьере, чтобы было видно как "оно" выглядит при настроенных освещении и окружении.