The scene was created based on the fantasy story by Alexander Shishkovchuk "Stash. Diary of a survivalist. Post-apocalypse." The action takes place in the remote Karelian taiga during the nuclear post-apocalypse. The main character Sanyok, after building his cache, stumbled upon a top-secret Nazi bunker-biolaboratory, preserved since the Great Patriotic War in a completely working condition and with a living boss. American and Russian intelligence agencies have been trying to find the bunker for a long time. The boss himself is a brilliant, but completely crazy Nazi doctor, creating mutant monsters in his bunker.
Wooden toy in the shape of a fox LowPoly model. Created in Blender. Baked and painted in Substance painter. Rendered Cycles. This model can be used for: game development, education, product presentation, personal projects and commercial projects. Verts: 770 Faces: 768 Textures (2048x2048): Base_Color.png Height.png Metallic.png Normal.png Normal_OpenGL.png Roughness.png
Metal toy in the shape of a fox LowPoly model. Created in Blender. Baked and painted in Substance painter. Rendered Cycles. This model can be used for: game development, education, product presentation, personal projects and commercial projects. Verts: 770 Faces: 768 Textures (2048x2048): Base_Color.png Height.png Metallic.png Normal.png Normal_OpenGL.png Roughness.png
Wooden toy in the shape of a pig LowPoly model. Created in Blender. Baked and painted in Substance painter. Rendered Cycles. This model can be used for: game development, education, product presentation, personal projects and commercial projects. Verts: 345 Faces: 352 Textures (2048x2048): Base_Color.png Height.png Metallic.png Normal.png Normal_OpenGL.png Roughness.png