3D visualization 18th century breech gun

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | Maya |
Renderer | mental ray |
Time expended on work | 2 дня |
Time expended on render | 5 мин |
Polygons | 48 275 |
Publication date |
This gun on one of the German sites of antique weapons is estimated at 5,400 euros. Attempts to improve the accuracy of flintlock pistols at the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century led the gunsmiths to the idea that this could be achieved by breech-loading the weapon. The bullet placed from the breech is not deformed in the process of loading, even though the dimensions are almost equal to the diameter of the barrel. Breech-loading can reduce the breakthrough of powder gases between the inner walls of the barrel and the bullet. The bullet fits tightly into the rifling and maintains a stable trajectory during the flight. It remained to answer the question, how to perform breech-loading flint weapons? One of the constructive solutions was the use of interchangeable charging chambers in weapons. A similar in design breech-loading pistol with a flintlock is shown in the photo. The total length of the weapon is 54 mm. Rifled barrel, barrel caliber 14.5 mm. In the lower part of the forearm are installed the ramrod rings, in which a wooden ramrod with an iron tip is placed. This breech-charging flintlock pistol with a removable charging chamber was made by Johann Christoph Peter from Carlsbad at about the beginning of the 18th century. On the right side of the castle, behind the trigger there is the mark of the master in the form of a text: “IC Peter”. The front of the trigger guard is the lever unlocking the barrel. The wooden elements of the pistol's box are made of walnut and covered with carvings. The shank of the handle is reinforced with iron lining with side "rays". Metal parts of weapons: lock, lock mask, barrel, breech covered with engraving. Breech flint pistol for reloading "breaks". The axis is located at the lowest point of the bed and is a transverse screw. At the top of the barrel there is a protrusion that fits into the corresponding cutout of the plate at the back of the frame, where it is fixed after closing. On the right side of the barrel there is a slot for installing a protrusion of a removable removable chamber. In the box on the right, a groove is made in an array of wood to accommodate part of the keypad of the interchangeable chamber. Replaceable charging chamber flint pistol is a breech. On the right side of the chamber there is a part of the keypad with a powder shelf, a flint - a powder shelf lid and a spring for adjusting. The charging chamber in the rear part is welded; at the front cut, the barrel bore has 8 grooves. The outer cross-section of the charging chamber resembles a cone, which provides a reliable obturation and ease of removal and installation of the camera in the weapon. It is not entirely clear whether the gunsmith originally produced one that was extracted from the barrel, only with the aim of providing breech-loading weapons. Or were there several cameras to increase the speed of loading the weapon, but later others were lost?
Thank you very much!!!
Спасибо большое!!!
when you see this trunk, you understand life is a fragile thing, it is pulled the trigger and it is not, however !!! this can save millions of people or kill them. so what did the creator of this wonderful mahogany pistol want to say ??? why did he do that? to save or kill? defend or attack? it contains millions of secrets
когда видишь этот ствол то понимаешь жизень хрупкая штука, она есть нажал на курок и её нет, однако!!! этим можно спасти милионы людей или же убить. так что же хотел сказать этим создатель этого чудесного пистолета из красного дерево??? почему он это сделал? что бы спасти или убить? защищаться или нападать? в нём кроются милионы тайн
He didn't even think about that He is a master, led him, and was inspired by the idea of an ideal design, its embodiment in metal + aesthetics of the weapon form.
Он про такое вообще не думал. Он - мастер, его вела, и вдохновляла идея идеальной конструкции, ее воплощение в метале+эстетика оружейной формы.
Are you a philosopher ....
А Вы прям философ....
Great trunk !!! For more work with visualization, for better quality. And the model is very good))
Отличный ствол!!! По больше работы с визуализацией, по качественней. А модель очень хорошая))
Thank you very much for the like and advice !!! I will work more!
Спасибо большое за лайк и совет!!! я буду ешё больще работать!
STOP!!! Gentlemen, first understand me ... sorry! .... sorry !! but I'll steal your couple of seconds. time and you will not regret just read. this gun yes! this is the gun that you have to keep a true high muscular earl, this same gun that contains the character of courage at the same time and the female nature you just look at the arm like a woman's hips smooth skater, and the trigger is like a deadly viper bite of the whole silk is deciding the fate of two a man, however, his form is similar to a woman who was sent to a golden wall. THIS!!! the same gun WHICH you want to put the LIKE at the bottom of the gun show and you did not twinkling eyes, I believed it and was not mistaken in you !!!
СТОП!!! господа сначало поймите меня... извините!.... извините!! но я украду ваше пару сек. времени и вы не пожалеете только прочитайте. этот пистолет да! это тот самый пистолет которого должен держать вы истенный высокий мускулистый граф, этот тот самый пистолет который содержит характер храбрости в то же момент и женскую натуру вы только взгляните на рукаядку подобен женских бёдер гладкая фигуристая, а курок подобен смертельного укуса гадюки всего шелчёк решает судьбу двух человек, однако его форма подобна женщине присланившая к золотой стене. ЭТО!!! тот самый пистолет КОТОРОМУ вы хотите поставить ЛАЙК снизу на выставке пистолета и вы не маргнув глазами сделали это я поверил и не ошибся в вас!!!
"The weight is good. The weight is secure. Even if it doesn’t shoot, you can always hit it in the head."
Boris "Razor" - an outstanding Russian "philosopher" of the 20th century.
"Тяжесть это хорошо. Тяжесть это надежно. Даже если не выстрелит, таким всегда можно врезать по башке."
Борис "Бритва" - выдающийся русский "философ" 20 в.
that's for sure))))
это точно))))