3D visualization Fisherman's cottage on the Lake

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | corona render |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | — |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |
First boat was born. Her model is on the site. Then experimented with wood textures. Appeared at the end of House sailed fish.
chic work, one better than the other, how the fairy tale is selected and superimposed ....
шикарные работы, одна лучше другой, как подобраны и наложены текстуры сказка....
I love the fog :) It's impressive, if it were not for the 3d site, I thought it was a photo. And by the way, fog is a render, or post-processing?
Люблю туманчик :) Впечатляет, если бы не сайт 3д, подумал, что - фото. И, кстати, туман - рендер, или пост обработка?
There is volumetric, and photoshop. That is, both options. Plus CGeometry_ZDepth a separate layer.
Есть и волюметрика, и фотошоп. То есть оба варианта.Плюс CGeometry_ZDepth отдельным слоем.
Well, until such subtleties I have not yet reached :))
Ну до таких тонкостей я ещё не добрался :))
The fish is gorgeous!
Рыбка шикарная!
Really !!!
Nice to hear! Thank you!
Приятно слышать!Благодарю!
Krasivo ... bili bi priznatelni esli i setky nam pakazivali :)
Somehow I'll get together and do it at leisure.
Как-нибудь соберусь и сделаю на досуге