3D visualization Intential (Perspective Match) inscribed in a real photo.

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | corona render |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | — |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |
The interior is made according to the TOR of an unscrupulous customer. Was performed as a test task for the employer. After sending the employer immediately offered to work remotely and evaporated.
I liked the table. He from what material?
Стол понравился. Он из какого материала?
Coffee table top - the standard crown material is a wenga tree. My legs do not even know the one that was originally on the model.
Журнальный столик верх - стандартный корона материал дерево венга. Ножки даже не знаю тот что изначально на модели был.
I mean the round table
Я имею в виду круглый стол
Round, self-made material. What is a type of PVC, the renderer initially strongly whitened did not stand out its relief. I had to work with him on post. So that
Круглый, самопальный материал. Что то типа ПВХ, На рендере изначально сильно белил не выделялся его рельеф. Пришлось с ним на пост обработке поработать. Так что