3D visualization Номер в Hotel Radium Palace (Яхимов, Чехия).

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | vray 3.0 |
Time expended on work | 2 дня |
Time expended on render | — |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |
Hotel room in Radon's sanatorium. I was there 8 years ago (my wife flies every year) and this year I also visited. I made repairs - I really liked it. Captured everything, made for the portfolio. Furniture, paintings of models.
What a rose-red! The bedroom-cabinet for a barbie, or what?
Какое все розо-красненькое! Спальня-кабинет для барби, что ли?
Would have put more plasma instead of pictures would be no bad! Ato neither fully nor fully looks bedroom in our time!
Поставили бы еще плазму вместо картин было бы ни плохо! Ато както ни полноценно смотрится спальня в наше время!