3D visualization Robosaurs

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | Corona render 9 |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | — |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |
Just the most ordinary robosaurs. They are doing something of their own. What exactly? Who knows? You need to ask them. With respect to everyone!_______________________________________________________________________________________________--
Gameplay of the online game "World of Tanks" after 10 years.
It's getting there.)
Геймплей онлайн-игры "Мир танков" через 10 лет.
Дело к этому идёт.)
Great, how do you texture your models?
Супер, как вы текстурите модели ваши?
The main criterion is pure intuition. It’s impossible to answer in a nutshell.
There will be a whole article on each shader. But the key tools are procedural maps.
Основной критерий - чистая интуиция.В двух словах ответить не получится.
По каждому шейдеру будет целая статья.Но ключевые инструменты-это процедурные карты.