3D-Model Curtains with tulle set 3 in 1

Curtains with tulle set 3 in 1 The archive has: 4 thick curtains with 3 different materials (see preview) semi-transparent tulle Pine parquet All textures MAX 2014 (V-Ray 3.60.03) FBX_V-ray MAT_V-ray retopology done mapping is done via UNWRAP UVW modifier The parquet consists of a module of approximately 6 to 8 meters, which fits easily both in length and in width. Parquet material is made without the use of additional modifiers and plug-ins. Who works in the V-Ray version is lower than 3.1. Be careful, in the materials in the BRDF section there is a Microfaset GTR (GGX), if your version is older than 3.1, the BRDF field will be empty. Choose Blinn, Phong or Ward - which is preferable to you.
3D-Models from category Curtains: