3D-Model Asian Elephant Rigged Low-poly 3D model

Model for: | Design, Games |
3ds Max Clean Uv Model rigged Elephant model has: 4096x4096 textures (diffuse, normal, spec, cavity, displace) Polycount (quads): mesh: 6480 vertex: 6483 Can be used for any other package. // RIG works fully properly in C4d.// Unit of measurement used for the model: cm Rig description (C4d): Anim_GlobalMove_00 - control whole model Anim_ROOTCtrl_00 - control jump action model Anim_head - control rotation, move of head Anim_head - control rotation, move of head Anim_head - move rotation, move of head Anim_head - control rotation, move of left eye Anime_Tail_A00 / Anim_Tail_01 ~ Anim_Tail_05 - control rotation, move of tail LF_Anim_knee_01 - LF_Anim_Foot_01 - Control rotation, LF_Anim_pelwis_01 - LF_Anim_Foot_01 - Control rotation LB_Anim_knee_01 - control rotation, movement of hind leg knee LB_Anim_pelwis_01 - control rotation, movement of hind leg hip Anim_thorax01 - control rotation, move of torso Anim_midVertebrae01 - control rotation, move of torso Anim_pelvis_01 - control rotation, move of torso --- Right part Rigs are RF_ / RB_ (rigth front / right back) naming ------- Thanks for reading. Best regards,
3D-Models from category Mammals: