3D-Model waves

Model for: | Design |
Version: 2015 preview: yes X-Form: yes Units: millimeters Dimension: 187 x 187 x 217 220 x 220 x 330 160x160x415 Polys: 23540 verx: 23576 Render: Corona, vray Formats: 3Ds Max 2015, FBX, OBJ
3D-Models from category Other interior:
Number: 74263
Sizes (W×D×H), mm | 187 × 187 × 217 |
Polygons | 23 540 |
Vertices | 23 576 |
High Poly | Yes |
Textures | Yes |
Animated | No |
3D-Printer Ready | No |
Materials settings
vray 2.5 | |
corona render |
Archive extension:
Of course have. https://surya.com/Accents/Waves/WVS-002/
Конечно есть. https://surya.com/Accents/Waves/WVS-002/
I would have liked to have them in real. they are really stylish! Cheer !!
J'aurai aimé les avoir en vrais. ils sont vraiment stylés ! Bravo !!
They are in real life. Write to the author, maybe he will throw off the link.
Они есть в реале. Напишите автору, может скинет ссылку.
For real models on the site there is a section of models from manufacturers, where models are presented that manufacturers provide, these are objects that are produced in factories and plants
Для реальных моделей на сайте есть раздел модели от производителей, где представленны модели которые предоставляют прозиводители, это объекты которые производятся на фабриках и заводах