3D visualization 3D Poison Bottle - Game asset

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | Blender |
Renderer | cycles render |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | — |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |
I have created 3D Poison Bottle - the Game asset with various levels of object and lighting. I got many Ideas while I creating this model.
If any suggestion or feedback let me know.
Some people are only speaking. They don't have a guts to show their work.
There's no difference between the lions, bullshit
Никакой разницы между левлами, фигня
May I know who's lions, who's bullshit ?
Nobody thought of offending anyone. Seeing the excitement around such a simple job, I just asked to explain for what purposes these models are used. After all, someone needs them if they use crazy demand. I'm interested. I apologize if the author is offended.)
Никто и не думал кого-то оскорбить. Видя ажиотаж вокруг такой простой работы, я всего лишь попросила объяснить для каких целей используют эти модели. Ведь кому-то же они нужны, если пользуются бешенным спросом. Мне это интересно. Прошу прощения, если автор обиделся.)
Please respect the author's work. The work does not contradict the rules of the site. We do not pursue a policy of rigid moderation, each user can expose his work for discussion and criticism. And we will be happy if this helps the author's personal growth.
Просим относиться с уважением к работе автора. Работа не противоречит правилам сайта. Мы не ведем политику жесткой модерации, каждый пользователь может выставить свои работы на обсуждение и критику. И рады будем, если это поможет личностному росту автора.
Thanks for the support.
And one more thing they will know only one circle of work so that's why they didn't understand anything on this work.
I think they are thinking, how this work got good commands. it's not worth for get good command. If I am correct means they only change their mind. Not Me.
When I registered to this site after that only I am very interested to create 3d model and all.
Any way thanks for their command.
I understand that I do not understand anything.))) What are these bottles for? Why do people admire?
Я понимаю, что ничего не понимаю.))) Для чего эти бутылочки? Почему народ в восхищении?
It is not understandable here. We must silently enjoy it))))
Just on the site there is no normal moderator.
Тут ненадо понимать. Надо молча наслаждаться))))
Просто на сайте нет нормального модератора.
These bottles are game elements. They used this bottles in vairouv purpose ex: some people are used by game icons and level of designs.
I created as logo on this. For some companies
That's why they all liked bottles.
Can I share how many peoples downloadow my models?
Hi, guys,
I have uploaded Model to download.
Cool. Will be than on weekends to enjoy.
Круто. Будет чем на выходных наслаждаться.
Happy weekend......
I will upload this model here soon as possible
Thank you guys
huh why should I comment on myself?)))
хах зачем самого себя коментировать ?)))
you want to comment your self means? I don't understand what you mean.
Great work...
nice work
good to see....
Can you share this model?
wowww!!! can I Download this model????