3D visualization Kitchen in the style of "Provence"

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | 3d max |
Renderer | corona render |
Time expended on work | — |
Time expended on render | — |
Polygons | — |
Publication date |
Visualization for the furniture catalog. Modeling: Basis-furniture maker + Inventor + 3d max. On the facades appeared not large artifacts, this "cant" when importing from Inventor'a.
Great! An old commodee with white crockery in a flower is being asked for ... Thank you for such a lively "tasty treat"
Класс! Просится еще старинный комодик с белой посудой в цветочек...Спасибо за такую живую "вкусняшку"
I am impressed.....
Nice work....
Thank you!