3D visualization Low poly ilustration

3D-work specification:
3D-editor | Blender |
Renderer | cycles render |
Time expended on work | 4 часа |
Time expended on render | 15 минут |
Polygons | 5 000 |
Publication date |
The work was carried out by reference. It is a low-poly scene of the castle dungeon. Performed in Blender 2.79. I would like to hear criticism and feedback.
for me, if it’s straight along the low poly, then you can remove fifty thousand polygons not the bottom parts of tiles and bricks, but it’s better to do it all with one spline by extrusion, so you can save on polygons
по мне так если прям по лоуполи, то можно убрать парутысяч полигонов не вдные части плиток и кирпичей, а лучше все это исполнить одним сплайном методом выдавливания так можно с экономить на полигонах